Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Upcoming Art Shows

Well the year has just begun, but I've already started filling up my schedule with exciting art shows and events. My goal is to do one big art show a month (or as many as I can afford to/keep up with) for the year. I had a lot of fun getting into the art show community last year and can't wait to participate in 2014's fabulous shows! Since I was still learning where all the "cool" shows were last year I'm going after the big ones this time. Which is both exciting and scary honestly. At least I'll have an awesome booth buddy to share my joy & sadness with. I don't know what I'd do without Elizabeth of ZombiesGoRawr. ;)

Anyways here's a sneak peek at my current art show schedule. I know many more dates will be announced later on, but just writing this list now made me nervous. I hope I can keep up! Guess I better start making stuff right now.

2014 Art Show Schedule:

February 1st - Soda Pop Culture 2 - San Antonio, TX
March 14-16 - Anime Matsuri - Houston, TX
March 22 - Mizuumi Con - San Antonio, TX
April 5-6 - Starving Artist's - San Antonio, TX
April 11-13 - Lonestar Comic Con - Schertz, TX
June 20-22 - Texas Comic Con - San Antonio, TX

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