Saturday, December 28, 2013

Xmas, Kitties and Food!!

Hey everybody! Hope you all had a wonderful and spooky cool Christmas!

Just figured I'd update you all with everything I've been up to lately. I gotta say it's been a very exciting last couple of weeks! I had a week long art show at the Wonderland of Americas Mall in San Antonio which was interesting, but still fun. I also had a slew of custom order requests and other orders to fill for the holidays. But most importantly I had a great holiday myself!

Things were very low key this year as it was just myself, Marcus and the kitties. Honestly, it was more of a Christmas celebration for the kitties than ourselves as it was their 1st xmas and all and I wanted it to be special cause I'm a good kitty mama. (hehe).

Here's a picture of the kitties enjoying their new red and green xmas shiny toys!

Zora took an extreme liking to the new scratch post too!

I started cooking on Christmas Eve because Marcus was crazy overworked the two weeks leading up to Christmas so I made him a special 3 course meal! This is so rare for me because I never cook. Everything turned out really well though and he was pleased. Yay! I figured it was the least I could do since he'd been at work from 6am-5pm on Christmas Eve and all when I spent most of the day in my pjs. :)

Our appetizer was Bruscetta:

Our dinner was stuffed peppers:

Our dessert was lemon cake:

And our drink of choice (or at least mine) was caipirinhas!! It's this tasty Brazilian drink my friend Will taught me how to make and it's crazy strong!

For xmas itself we had a much more traditional meal (thanks to honey baked ham) that Marcus brought home from work. We had all the usual stuff: turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, macaroni etc and it was really yummy too!

On Christmas itself other than stuffing our faces... Marcus and I had a very lazy day. We watched 3 movies together today all of which we enjoyed. They were Personal Velocity, The Woman in Red and Shakedown. We have like 20 movies expiring on Netflix on the 1st of the month... so we've been trying to power watch too haha! I also made up some very strong eggnog and spent the 1st half of the day finishing one of my favorite Sailor Moon seasons.

I just love Seiya so much!!

And of course there were presents! Marcus and I were both strapped for cash this year, but still manged to get each other some dope presents.

First off I got these wacky chubby Spice Girls figures. Aren't they weird?

Then I got this super cute Luna pencil case. It's from the re-launch (not vintage) but I still love it!

And the highlight of the day was this amazing David Bowie comic book that I didn't even know existed! It's like crazy hilarious. Guh. Marcus knows me so well. :)

Overall, it was a very nice Christmas this year and I'm looking forward to the New Year! Hope you all had a blast too! ;)

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