Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Drop Dead Dollie Etsy Shop Review

Weeee another week of fun! Hope everyone has been doing well. I have been aside from some unfortunate job stuff.. but at least it's given me some time to get caught up on other things. Gotta stay positive right? ;)
Anyways, today I'd like to talk to you about this bitchin etsy shop run by my friend Sara.

It's called... Drop Dead Dollie!

Drop Dead Dollie (very much like it's name) is all about dolls, "cute" dead things and other fun stuff along the lines of kawaii, gothic and lolita style jewelry. Sara is all about some Monster High and My Little Ponies! I bet you can see why we are friends already, huh? ;)

Seriously though. Sara has a huge collection of Monster High dolls, My Little Ponies and all kinds of other toys which sometimes find their way into her creations. Our styles are very similar in that we both love pink, rhinestones, skulls and Halloween in general. It's kind of awesome really because since we like each others items so much it allows us to trade and have fun. I love her crochet stuff too!! With the assistance of her grandma (omg! how cute is that!?) Sara has been able to make some very adorable crochet hair bows and other accessories. And what's even cooler... is that her sister Melissa (who also makes jewelry in her own shop Mel's Kawaii Shop) helps create stuff with her sometimes too! I SO wish I had that kind of family. It sounds like heaven to me. ;)

So far I've had the pleasure of trading/shopping with Sara two separate times. The first time I scored this super cute Monster High bat earring and necklace set...

And the second time I just couldn't help myself from buying this adorable Monster High vampire necklace... Honestly though, can you blame me??

I really really like the goodies I've gotten from her shop so far and they are all very well made too. I hope to do business with her again soon. She's just the sweetest person ever! And all of her stuff is cute as can be.

A few items on my wishlist...

This super cute MLP crochet bow bracelet!!!!

And this super cute MLP hair bow!

Oh! If only I had money.... sigh*