Friday, June 28, 2013

Morbid Midget's World Etsy Shop Review

Today I'd like to talk to you about a very special person. Her name is Tricia Martin and I'm so happy to have met her. She is the sweetest, wackiest and wild person I know. Which is amazing! We're seriously linked by some very wonky brain waves. I can't wait to frolic with her around Norfolk later this year. ;)

Tricia makes her own living art and has recently started selling it on etsy. She LOVES to make stuff with moving parts! And everything she touches turns into one of her crazy evil minions. It's pure magic. She makes wonderfully creepy baby dolls, funky little animals, amazingly strange doodles and so much more. I seriously like everything this woman has EVER created. No joke! And I wish I had her awesome brain magic! I don't know where she finds the inspiration for these things!

This is one of my favorite dolly's from her. I was really hoping to buy it... but sadly someone beat me to it. That's ok though! Because right now Tricia is working on a very special dolly just for me!! And I know it's going to blow this one right out of the water!

Here's the dolly I wanted..

And here's a photo of the amazing dolly I discovered and then sent to Tricia to "fuckerize" for me. That's her own word for it too and I love it! Seriously I am just SO crazy excited to see the final product. She was already so strangely creepy when I found her! ;)

Another baby doll I sent to Tricia was this pretty little fella. This little baby is actually how we met too! She bought him from my toy shop Sinsperations and then we got to chatting and then! it was like super happy friendship time. (haha)

He looks harmless right? Well not after Tricia got to him! I didn't think he'd ever be able to walk again either, but she fixed him right up. Now he's a walking nightmare! Just watch this video and see for yourself!

Here's another fun video of her showing you the mechanics behind her peeing zombie baby! Whoever got this one is a lucky duck!!

She's actually got a lot of funny videos of herself and her work up on youtube. You should totally check them out. She's quite the character and really talented with film production and stuff too! It's the other half of what she does for a living after all.

I could talk about the awesomeness of Tricia all day long... but I think you'd all get bored and hate me for rambling on and on and on. I seriously want ALL of her art though! It's amazing. And a few months back we did a trade and I scored this utterly FANTASTIC little lion and I'm so happy!! She's the cutest little thing ever and I named her "Lucy". Funny thing about that is.... she was already named Lucy! I just didn't know it. Apparently when Tricia found her she had the name Lucy written on her tag. She never told me though until now, because I've been taking "Lucy" on fun adventures with me around town and she picked up on the name and we were both like WHOA! Funny how shit like that happens sometimes huh? She was just born to be a Lucy. And to me she is the cutest little creature ever. She kind of reminds me of the devil dogs in Willow (my favorite movie FYI) too.

Here's Lucy and I hanging out in Austin:

So far Lucy and I have gone on many adventures together and I can't wait to take her on many many more!

Here's Lucy in her natural habitat. She loves trees!

Oh and did I mention that Lucy met Indiana Jones?? They're best friends now. ;)

Expect to see a lot of Lucy soon. We're having so much fun together these days!! And while you are at it check out Tricia's awesome etsy shop and get your own wacky little creature friend. ;)
Morbid Midget's World


  1. that doll makes me sort of sad..
    I used to have one like it..
    I think being the vintage toy person I am ..makes me sad when people change them its like changing history

  2. which doll did you used to have?? i featured several in this post.. haha. I could see why that would make you a little sad... but at the same time by changing it you might be making the item even better. I view the "changes" as evolutions. The toys themselves are mutating and becoming even better than before. ;)

    However... there are some toys that should never be fucked with! Unless it is for the betterment of man. (haha)
