Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Vintage Toy Fun Etsy Shop Review

Today I'd like to share with you my friend Vanessa's adorable etsy shop: Vintage Toy Fun

Vintage Toy Fun is a really cute shop! It's filled with all kinds of super cute toys, vintage findings and handmade items. I first got to know Vanessa as a repeat customer of my etsy shop. She really liked my jewelry items and that got us to talking. And I'm so glad it did! She's really such a sweet girl. We've had plenty of fun chats online and I hope some day I can actually meet her in person. ;)

And if you are a blogger you should check out her funky little blog: Vintage Toy Fun Blog
She's always posting about her latest thrift store & flea markets finds. She has quite the collection going! I'm actually a little jealous. But it's always fun to read about the toys she finds. We are actually both active members of the Vintage Toy Addiction etsy team together too! She is the creator/captain and I recently got bumped up as a team leader! Yahoo!!

Anyways, let's talk about her shop shall we? I had the pleasure of buying a few childhood favorites of mine from her on VHS awhile back. These are actually very hard to find nowadays so I'm glad I have a copy of them now.

My Little Pony: The Movie 1986 (my birth year!)

And Kiki's Delivery Service!!

Man do I LOVE these movies!! They just never get old. ;)
And if you think these are good finds... just wait till you see what other types of treasures she's got hidden in her shop. Gosh! I kind of want them all.

Here's a few of my favorites:

Vintage Edward Mobley Squeak Dog:

Hand-sewn Bunny Rabbits!! Oh my goodness these are SO cute!!

Vintage Monchichi Plush:


  1. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
    I hope we get to meet someday aswell im sure we would have lots of fun :)

  2. I hope so too Vanessa!! I think we'd have lots of fun scavenging through the piles of fun at the flea markets. ;)

    And you are most welcome on the review. I really like so many of your things. ;)

    1. we have a ton in common..its really a pity we dont live closer..
