Thursday, March 28, 2013

Etsy Shop Owner Kristin Frenzel Art & Glassware Review

Today I'd like to talk about a dear friend of mine Kristin Frenzel. We've known each other for a little over 10 years now and the entire time I've known her art has clearly been her calling. She's experimented with many different mediums and styles, but I think she's finally found her niche in nerd culture. Right now she is the current owner of two amazing etsy shops: Illuminated Lion & Ckrickett.

Illuminated Lion is her newest shop (just over a year old) where she and her fella Jonathan West make high quality etched glassware. All their items are unique, durable AND dishwasher safe! So if you are like me and tend to be careless about keeping up with things you don't have anything to fear. Just don't drop them. Glass is breakable you know. ;)

What I like most about Illuminated Lion is it's diversity in items! She has everything from dinosaurs to Twin Peaks to cats in space on shot glasses, pints, goblets and more. And custom orders are always welcome too! So if you were wondering how to fix your boring kitchenware situation then Illuminated Lion is the shop for you!

And lucky for me we're friends so I get special treatment and stuff! Here's me with my awesome Sailor Moon & Zelda pint glasses that she gave me for xmas last year. ;)

Moving on.....

Her other shop Ckrickett is where she sells her super unique artwork. Recently, she's been experimenting with a lot of new mediums too! Before she primarily sold original artwork and prints, but now she carries buttons, stickers, aprons, handbags, pocket mirrors and stationary as well! She primarily uses acrylics in her work, but she also has several super cute hand-drawn pieces for sale as well. I love all of it! Between the nerdy mash-ups, cute little critters and awesome handiwork I'm left drooling over all of them. Each one is just so unique! I never know what she's going to come up with next and I'm always excited to see what she's working on.

Here's me with my super awesome Skeleton Bat painting:

Oooo and here's some super adorable plushies that she made me awhile back. One's a squid and the other is a lamprey eel! Aren't they cute??

Just a few months ago, I had a friend come over and say that my little squid plushie was the weirdest thing in my entire house. Which I find HILARIOUS because my house is filled with super creepy dolls, zombies and other bizarre items. I find my little squid to be quite charming so I don't know what his problem was. Perhaps it was because she's sitting on my dinner table? (haha)

Anyways, I hope that you've enjoyed this little post and that you check out my friend Kristin's amazing art! I'm so insanely proud of her and everywhere she's gotten with all of this. To the future! May it be full of many more wacky creations by Kristin Frenzel. And here's hoping for like a bazillion more sales! ;)

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