Thursday, January 10, 2013

My New Addiction

Over the last two years I've been trying to take more of an active role in the etsy community via forums, teams, treasuries and the like. Honestly, there's just so many cool things to get involved with on etsy now it's overwhelming! But my absolute FAVORITE thing about etsy right now is the amazing people I've met through the teams I've gotten involved with recently. It's so nice knowing there's other people out there like myself trying to make ends meet and follow their dreams. Plus, the games and activities are a lot of fun too!

So for you today I'm going to list off my top 3 favorite teams on etsy right now. If you are a seller/buyer on etsy and want to get involved just click on the team names and send in an invite. We'd love to welcome you aboard!!

Number 1: Needful Things Dark Trading Team

This team is so much fun! Got some extra stuff laying around the house? Or perhaps a box of crafts you keep meaning to craft with but never seem to get around to? These ladies will gladly trade your for it! And if you're comfortable with it you can even trade your shop items too. Trading is a great way to get to know other artists in the community, boost your sales, support other etsy shops AND get some cute stuff in exchange. And you don't have to pay for it! Honestly, it's a win win situation.

Everyone is welcome! Check out the team here.

Number 2: Vintage Toy Addiction

Do you love toys?? Then this is just the place you've been looking for! No you can get together with other members of the community and talk about toys ALL DAY! How fun is that? Plus, you get to meet other like-minded individuals, play games, etc. It's very addictive. And if you sell toys or other vintage items on etsy its a fun way to connect and share your products with your fellow teammates.

Anyone can join! See what the team is up to here.

Number 3: Wear If You Dare

If you're like me, then you enjoy making a statement with the things you wear and surround yourself with on a daily basis. And this is just the place to find ultra bizarre and extremely unique mind-blowing items! It's a relatively new group, but so far we've been having a blast. In fact we have a HUGE trading event happening this weekend; where participating shops battle it out to see who can make the most trades within the time limit. Plus, the winner takes home the prize!

Want to get involved? Check us out here.


  1. :) Im glad you like the team it makes me happy.

  2. oh yeah! it's been lots of fun so far. thanks for making that happen ;)
