Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Holidays!!

Sorry I haven't been posting like normal but it's been a busy week full of Christmas cheer. I promise to get things back to normal in a few days once I return from my trip...but for now I'll drop a coupon for you guys. Starting today (12/26) through 1/3/12 I'll be hosting a sale for 25% off the entire store! Just input the coupon code "NEWYEARSLOVE" during checkout.

Also don't forget to help me reach 500 sales!! The lucky customer who makes my 500th order will receive a special gift as well as a coupon for 30% off their next purchase. So hurry and get on the bandwagon while you still can. There's only a few more sales to go!

Hope you are all having a wonderful holday season!! Now prepare for epileptic shock!!

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