Monday, November 28, 2011

Woohoo it's Cyber Monday!

Man, today was such a fun and very low key day. Spent most of the day perusing the internet for awesome sales like the rest of you...but then after finding this lovely treasury by "designfind" (which features one of my necklaces) I was inspired to re-watch one of my favorite movies ever, Tron! Just thought I'd pass that along...and who knows maybe this post will get you to re-watch it too! ;)

 You can view "designfind" 's lovely treasury entitled "Digital Age Unite!" here. Happy shopping everybody!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Yay! It's Thanksgiving!!

Stop on by for the ONE WEEK SALE!!  Starting today you will receive 25% off your entire purchase until Tuesday 11/29. Just use the coupon code "GOBBLEGOBBLE" at checkout. Thanks so much for the support. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!